honestly, writing emails is hard sometimes, here's some pictures updates on how mission life is going :)
exchanges with Sister Tippets and Sister Taylor. Both really hard working missionaries ♥
Leo's baptism day!!! he was so excited and made the funniest comments the whole time. ♥
Alma 37 is counsel from Alma to his son Helaman and it has really hit me a lot recently with how much God really does help us.
40 And it did work for them ac cording to their faith in God; therefore, if they had faith to believe t hat God could cause that those spindles should point the way they shou ld go, behold, it was done; th erefore they had this miracle, and als o many other miracles wrought by the power of God, day by day.
I do know that is is by our faith that God can and will direct us. He loves us and wants us to live with Him again. The only way to find happiness that will last is as we turn to Him and offer our heart to Him. He will bless us with continued guidance and help that will get us through each and every day.
I love you all.
Sister Hammond ♥
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